Our Students - Learning Communities

 Our school is organised into 4 learning communities.

  • Foundation
  • Grade 1/2 Learning Community
  • Grade 3/4 Learning Community
  • Grade 5/6 Learning Community

Relationships and collaborative partnerships between teachers and students and peers underpin the purpose and structure of the earning communities at WEPS. They are intentionally developed to promote and maximize individual and shared learning and foster a sense of belonging. As a result we promote quality evidence based teaching and learning, enhanced self esteem and greater engagement in learning, improved involvement and connectedness within the social and academic experiences.

Students are assigned to one classroom teacher’s homeroom, although the teaching team works together to work with all students in the learning community. Our students respond well to working this way as they are taught to their point of need and have the opportunity to develop a range of friendship connections across two year levels.

Class sizes

Based on the Victorian Government School Agreement 2022, Foundation to Grade 6 - an average of 26 provided that the average class size of 21 at P-2 is maintained.